a Case Study of Mongolia


  • ENKHTOGTOKH Amgalan Mongolian National Insitute for Educational Research
  • SANJAABADAM SED Mongolian National Insitute for Educational Research
  • BAYARMAA Bazarsuren Mongolian National Insitute for Educational Research


Development policy; Curriculum; School based curriculum; Whole school approach.


Addressing global sustainability challenges through the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a top priority for many governments around the world. Since the United Nations Decade of Education (2005-2014), UNESCO has spearheaded the United Nations Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) initiative, and in 2022 adopted the SDG-2030: Roadmap, and member states are committed to each priority area of action.

A research was conducted to find out whether the main policy and training documents to be followed in updating the development policy and general education curricula of Mongolia include the sustainable development, sustainable development goals and education for sustainable development (MECSS, ITPD 2018; MEDS, MIER, 2020; 2021). Mongolia has included the concept and content of ESD in its long-term and medium-term development policy documents. As part of "Vision-2050" Long-term development policy of Mongolia, the Government of Mongolia has been developing 7 target programs for 2020-2030, which include “Human development” and “Environmental target program”.

It has the advantage of integrating long-term and medium-term policies and programs that were distinct and separate from each sector into national long-term development policies, and sectors to cooperate, take joint responsibility. Several Ministries are working together under the leadership of a specific Ministry to ensure the participation of each sector in the development of targeted programs.

Since 2000, projects and programs to introduce ESD into training and activities have been implemented in the field of education. In 2016, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology approved and implemented the main directions and requirements for the implementation of the ESD concepts in general education training and activities.

Besides, the whole school approach has been implemented in 30 ESD model schools starting from 2020, and the progress has been made at school governance, curriculum, teaching and learning, human resource capacity development, school and learning environments and partnership level which is an opportunity to disseminate to other schools at the national level.

Ном зүй

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