
  • AYNUR Ibrahimova ANAS Institute of Folklore Head of the Women’s Organization Author


A woman is the most beautiful work created by God. The Creator estimated her with the honor of being the highest title – mother. The word “woman” means motherland, land, peace, freedom, tranquility, love. Many glorious and bright pages of our history and culture have been connected with the name of a woman.

Studying the history of any nation, along with history books, historical monuments, historical sources, one should refer to folklore – folk literature. Because an epic is a history created by the people themselves. It is an Ergenekon memory, it is an exit from darkness to light, from narrow to wide, it is salvation. The epic “Koroglu” is a living past of the people on the scale of idealization of heroism and it is a monument of immortal art.


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Jafarli 2007 - M.Jafarli. Epic activity. Baku: Elm

Fedakar-Aksoy 2019 - S.Fedakar, H.Aksoy. Determination and Analysis of the Types of Women in Turkish epics: The Example of Kırgız Epics // Ankara, National Folklore Magazine, issue 124, ss. 105-120.

Farhadov 1968 – F.Farhadov. - Transcaucasian version of the epic “Koroglu”. Abstract of dis. w. Baku.

Görogly eposy –

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Islam Sadig 1998 – Islam Sadig. Who was Koroglu? Baku. Azerneshr.

Ismayilova 2010 – Y.Ismayilova. The system of images of the epos “Koroglu”. Baku. Nurlan. Koroglu 1965 – Koroglu. Compiler: M.Tahmasib. Baku, Azerbaijan State Publishing House. Koroglu 2021 – Koroglu. Compiler: A.Asger. Baku. Elm ve tehsil.

Gafarli 2019 – R.Gafarli. Mythology, volume 2. Baku, Elm ve tehsil. Ruzimboev 2016 – Ruzimboev Khorazm-Goroglu epos. Urganch, Khorazm publishing

Rustamzade 2007 – R.Rustamzade. Love eposes. Ganja: Ganja Poligraphy.

Solmaz 2020 – E.Solmaz. A review on the Shahdarhan Branch of the Uzbek Koroglu epic. Istanbul, Gazi Bookstore

