Studies on Mongolian history in Türkiye started in the 19th century as a part of Turkish history studies with modern methods. Historical texts prior to this period were mainly case reports and sometimes narrative in style. These texts gave very little reference to the Mongols and mentioned them in so far as they were relevant to the history of the formation of the Turkish presence in Türkiye. On the other hand, in the Seljuk and Ottoman sources, there were mentions of the Mongols and Genghis Khan, albeit in a sentence. As interest in the general history of the Turks increased, the history of the Mongols began to be researched. Especially since the beginning of the 20th century, the Mongols and Genghis Khan were mostly considered Turks. With the influence of the idea of Turkish nationalism, articles were written giving information about Mongolian history. After the establishment of the Turkish Republic, the Mongols were also included in historical studies and ideas. Except for a few studies, studies that are the product of modern historiography and that analyze Mongolian history away from ideological concerns began to be seen mainly from the beginning of the 1940s. Until today, a significant accumulation has been achieved in studies on Mongolian history, especially in terms of Ilkhanid history in Türkiye
Ном зүй
Berber, Oktay, “Batı Moğolları Üzerine Türkiye’de Yapılan Çalışmalar Hakkında Bir Değerlendirme”, Ötüken’den Anadolu’ya Türk-Moğol Tarihinde Yeni Araştırmalar, Ed. Kürşat Yıldırım, Bilge Oğuz Yay., İstanbul 2022, p. 109-136.
Devlet, Nadir, “Türkiye’de Altın Orda Tarihi Araştırmaları Ne Durumdadır?”, Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları, XXXIII, 1-2, 1995, p. 47-58.
Lkhundev, Ganbat, “Türkiye’de Moğol İmparatorluğu Tarihi Üzerine Araştırmalar”, Türk Moğol Tarihi, ed. Kürşat Yıldırım, Yeditepe Yay., İstanbul 2018, p. 249-266.
Özgüdenli, Osman Gazi, “Türkiye’de Moğol Tarihi ve Kültürü Araştırmalarının Doğuşu ve Gelişimi (1923-2017)”, Türk Moğol Tarihi, ed. Kürşat Yıldırım, Yeditepe Yay., İstanbul 2018, p. 169-248.
Üçgül, Ozan Eren, "Türkiye’de İlhanlı Tarihi Çalışmalarına Dair Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi", İran ve Turan Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi, II, 3, p. 123-142.
Yıldırım, Kürşat, “Türkiye’de Moğol Tarihi Üzerine Araştırmalar”, Tarih Dergisi, 80, 2023.
Yorulmaz, Osman, “Cumhuriyet Devri Türk Tarihçiliğinde Cengiz Han”, Türk Moğol Tarihi, ed. Kürşat Yıldırım, Yeditepe Yay., İstanbul 2018, s. 267-280