The main content of this speech is the question of the maturity of a person who, in order to develop sustainably, should treat the mother nature with love and no harm, develop the economy with common sense, live according to the principle of smart consumption, and create a society that develops forward without harming the future for the future generations.
The philosophy of sustainable development is concerned with meeting the needs of the present without compromising the development of future generations. So, what are the material and non-material sources of sustainable development? Today, human beings use the earth's resources for their daily needs and for the long-term development. This situation will continue in the foreseeable future.
Due to human consumption exceeding the nature's capacity, human beings have become a factor that negatively affects the natural development and existence of the world, so the issue of sustainable development of nature, society, and economy is becoming more urgent. Humanity can no longer follow this current path of existence that worships overconsumption.
During the existence of human society, the steady and continuous growth without delay, interruption, or stoppage of any process should be the basis for sustaining the process of human development. Such a stable developed society can only be built by a person who has developed and matured properly. Therefore, the motto of education for sustainable development is, first of all, "Let's develop people. Let's develop with the strength of our people. Let's develop for our people" should be the motto (Mongolian Educational Journal, 2002/1-2021/170th issue). We have been promoting this slogan with our Mongolian Educational journal for the last 20 years.
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